Today, I attended Marin Masters San Francisco 2012 conference, hosted by SEM platform Marin Software. The conference was amazing, the can’t miss San Francisco SEM event of 2012. Today, I’m thrilled to share my recap of Marin Masters.

PPC Ian and Peter From Marin Software
Some quick background… I attended Marin Masters two years ago. I had an outstanding time, but last year I unfortunately missed the conference (I had a big presentation/event at work that day). I was really sorry that I missed it so this time I was sure to save the date months in advance. I am sure happy I was able to attend this year! It was an action-packed conference, one of the best ever.
Hosted at the W Hotel in San Francisco, the venue was amazing. Marin went all out. They reserved a huge room and the attendance was really impressive (it was packed). It makes perfect sense: San Francisco is the online marketing capital of the world and $4 billion worth of online marketing spend is managed via Marin. Marin has a huge family and a world of supporters, power users, and enthusiasts (including me)! This was the place to be. They had free drinks there and truly did an outstanding job from all aspects. They even raffled off a free Xbox Kinect.
After arriving, I networked with the other attendees and friends from Marin Software. It’s such a small world, I ran into so many good friends. What a great industry! After networking a bit, the conference started. Both Marin Software employees and clients spoke. My friend Matt Lawson, VP of Marketing at Marin, introduced the event. He even gave a shout out to me, PPC Ian, and people started cheering. What an honor and fun experience! (Check it out, I’m On The Marin Homepage.)
During the presentations, I listened very closely. I was especially impressed by the Experian presentation. Experian’s head of online marketing spoke all about mobile marketing and had some true insights about campaign structure, landing pages, and going after new opportunities. Yahoo! sponsored the event and also had an amazing speaker. Marin’s head of product management spoke all about the latest and greatest features, focusing on ways to save time each and every day. All of the speakers were truly great, they really went all out. In just three hours, I learned invaluable paid search tips/insights and also strategies for leveraging Marin to the next level.
After the conference, I enjoyed several hours of cocktails and appetizers. The drinks and food were amazing. The company was even better. I had so much fun chatting with friends, both new and old. If you’re running big online marketing campaigns, I highly recommend auditioning Marin. They are truly amazing. Thanks Marin for the great Marin Masters conference, I can’t wait until the next one!
Image of Ian and Peter ©
The conference was really a masterpiece everyone enjoyed a lot and they are really awesome personalities.