Pay per click can be a crazy career at times. Why? Just think of it as the NYSE trading floor, only it’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. That’s also part of what makes it so much fun in my opinion! At the same time, it’s imperative to take vacations and recharge. After all, career longevity is the real key to making it big in online marketing. Today, I’d like to talk about my recent trip to the Ritz Carlton, Maui, my first "real" week long vacation of the year!
My First Real Vacation of 2010, It’s About Time!
2010 Has been a crazy year. I have been making stellar progress against my 2010 goals but have hardly had any time off. In fact, I’ve only taken one official day of PTO (paid time off) all year. That’s a good thing in that I’ve truly accomplished a lot. However, it’s a bad thing in that it’s not super healthy to work that hard with no break. As such, I’m extremely happy that my wife and I spent an amazing week relaxing at the Ritz Carlton, Maui.
The crazy thing about PPC: It’s really addictive and you can get stuck in a mode where you really don’t even want to take time off. It’s this strange state that’s brought about by the instant feedback loop of PPC. I was most definitely in that mode. My advice to you: Force yourself to take a vacation! You are in this for the long term.
My First Vacation With My iPad
I’m PPC Ian so you know I didn’t check out completely! I actually wrote and published two blog posts while on vacation: and Commission Junction. The fun part of it all: I didn’t even bring a laptop to Hawaii. I wrote and published these posts on my new 32 GB iPad with 3G. Moreover, I kept up with important work email and campaign management, all on my iPad! It’s important stuff: When your’re a Director, you can’t just abandon your team while on vacation. It sure was refreshing to have long battery life and less weight in my carry-on.
The only downside: Things took a little longer, especially considering I was having troubles pairing my wireless keyboard even though it worked just fine at home. Oh well, I was on "island time" anyway!
Hawaii Is Ideal For PPC
My wife and I love Hawaii. I also love the pay per click career path. The natural conclusion: Find a way to spend more time in Hawaii (maybe a few weeks each year) while working remotely. This may be even easier to swing if I can split the time up into a few separate blocks. This goal is something that will continue to motivate me well into the future! One thing is for sure: I’m blessed to be a leader in an industry that theoretically has no geographical boundaries!
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Why didn’t I get born in the US ? 🙁
Hope you have fun on vacation! Enjoy!
Thanks so much for the comment! I must say I am lucky living in California. It’s a 5 hour direct flight to Maui, not bad at all. 🙂
All the best,
Thanks so much for the comment, Dino! I’m actually already back, but do miss Hawaii very much!
That picture looks like it comes out of a magazine!
Hope you had a fun, relaxing vacation!
Thanks so much for the kind words, really appreciate it! It definitely was a great vacation!
All the best,
That’s what you call living the dot com lifestyle.
Being able to work anywhere you want is an awesome perk.
That’s right, d3so! I love that term, “dot com lifestyle”. It’s a very motivating thing. Thanks for the comment, much appreciated as always.