Hey Everyone,
Welcome to part three of my exclusive interview with Chad Baldwin, VP of Sales at Kenshoo, one of the best SEM platforms around! If you haven’t checked out part one or part two yet, I highly recommend doing so! Personally, these are some of my all time favorite posts on PPC Ian! Without further ado, I’m thrilled to continue this amazing interview with part three!
Ian: Chad, At this point, I’d like to transition to a few high level questions about the industry. First, I’d be curious about your perspective on the SEM industry. Where do you see us heading in the next several years?
Search Is The Operating System For The Information Age
Chad: Search continues to be the operating system for the information age. Understanding what someone wants is the cornerstone of all marketing. This is why Search is the anchor. I think that our definition is too limited today – basically, we characterize SEM as ads that are displayed after consumers type in a search box on Google, Yahoo, or MSN.
Search and intent-based marketing are becoming omnipresent though – re-targeting and cookie-exchanges mean that search intent data will follow the user around and be used to make ads more relevant. My hope is that this mechanism becomes more transparent to the user so that the value there can be more easily controlled.
Facebook and The Wisdom of Crowds
I think an interesting question is who defines what is relevant. Google has played a dominant role in this through advanced algorithms and the evolution of hypertext and semantic analysis. What Facebook is enabling with the like button actually paints quite a different story. Facebook is helping to re-organize the web based on a different principle – the wisdom of the crowds. A basic thumbs-up or thumbs-down. People are organizing the web for themselves. This is a very powerful idea. Put a social search engine on top of Facebook and you’ll start to see things get very interesting.
Ian: Chad, that’s really interesting stuff. Facebook is definitely a really hot topic right now. What is Kenshoo’s perspective on Facebook Ads?
Chad: I commented on this a little before, but our feeling is that the Social Web is here to stay. We’re very bullish on the opportunity here and already have a number of clients using Kenshoo Social to make money on Facebook ads. The targeting and creative capabilities will be unparalleled. There is lots to do here yet to make the ad platform sing, but Facebook is on a mission and we look forward helping drive their continued success.
Ian: Chad, at this point I must say I’m thoroughly impressed! I’d like to open it up and see if there’s anything else you’d like to share with PPC Ian readers?
A Question For Me: Direct Response Vs. Branding Campaigns
Chad: As a strategic thinker, Ian, with a good network of readers, I’d like to pose a question for the next round. With Kenshoo’s drive into multi-channel attribution, social (Facebook) and display, we’re seeing some very interesting evolution in terms of how marketers think about Direct Response campaigns vs. Brand Campaigns. I have been in a number of conversations predicting the full convergence of the two traditionally separate sets of objectives and tactics. What are your thoughts on this?
Ian: Chad, that is an awesome question and will definitely become the topic of an upcoming PPC Ian post! Chad, thanks so much for everything, this has been a true honor. I’m seriously impressed with Kenshoo and appreciate the interview! I know everyone reading PPC Ian will really enjoy it!
Chad: Thanks Ian. Appreciate the time to share some of what makes Kenshoo so special.
Evaluate Kenshoo For Your SEM Team Today
Ian: PPC Ian readers, regardless of your current situation (already own a platform vs. actively looking vs. more of a manual team), I highly encourage you to check out Kenshoo. As you probably know by now, I’m a huge fan. You’ll be amazed at what you see! If you’re interested in arranging a demo, you’ll want to reach out to the Kenshoo team via their website or by emailing info@kenshoo.com. Thanks so much for reading and if there’s any way in which I can help in your SEM automation decision making process, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. Last but not least, please make sure to check out part one and part two of my interview with Kenshoo’s Chad Baldwin.
Hey Ian, thanks so much for this interview series! Get to know the philosophy behind a company operation which can be a huge advantage in platform selection. I’m always a big fan of any high tech stuff, especially for the rapid evolving SaaS industry. Marin software is the first platform I know by my own discovery. And now for Kenshoo sounds having a very different view in search marketing industry as a whole.
Thank you!
Will definitely have some reading to do! Great interview and lots of information, will definitely check out your earlier parts as well..
Thanks everyone for the comments, many thanks! 🙂
Hi Ian,
Thanks for those interviews. I like high tech
Take care buddy!
Hi Ian,
I was hoping you can give me some insight on what a good bid management tool would be. we are currently loking at Marin and Kenshoo. I am trying to track down Chad Baldwins contact details.
Warm regards,
Thanks so much for the comment! There are some really great platforms out there including Kenshoo, Marin Software, Acquisio, and ClickEquations. I will send you an email introducing you to Chad Baldwin from Kenshoo. As you can tell from the interview, Kenshoo is a truly amazing company, one of the best around when it comes to bid management! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance and best of luck in finding the perfect bid management tool for your needs!
All the best,